Policy integration of ENERGISE findings


Since the start of 2019 WP6 has produced and submitted to the European Commission three deliverables, including Policy report (D6.5), Policy briefing (D6.2) and Workshop proceedings report (D6.8), which are available now online on the ENERGISE website.

Policy Report (D6.5) Good Practice Guidelines for Developing and Implementing Sustainable Energy Consumption Initiatives in the EU synthesises findings from analysis of sustainable energy consumption initiatives in the EU (WP2), based on the ENERGISE conceptual framework (WP1), and results produced in principal empirical components (WPs 3 and 4). The report reflects on the policy implications of comparative analysis undertaken so far within WP5 to identify linkages between findings across ENERGISE work packages.

Policy briefing (D6.2) Guidelines for developing and implementing national and local energy consumption interventions outlines the policy-relevant findings from work packages so far conducted on the ENERGISE project. It summaries lessons learned about developing and implementing sustainable energy consumption initiatives in the EU and discusses the policy framing of different types of sustainable energy consumption initiatives. The report reflects on the design and implementation of ENERGISE Living Labs, taking into account the analysis of cross-country data on energy use practices in eight countries.

Workshop Proceedings Report (D6.8) is the proceedings of an online workshop with Policy & Decision Forum members held in January 2019 for the ENERGISE project.

Prior to submitting the deliverables, the UK team delivered a presentation on WP6 progress and held a discussion on WP6 Task 2 – Synthesis of Findings at the consortium meeting in Budapest (January 2019).

Audley Genus and Iskandarova Marfuga, Kingston University